Health centre Rovniankova – Outreach Ambulance Service

Description The clinic provides outpatient health care for adults who had to leave Ukraine and received temporary refuge status in Slovakia. The health care provider is Poliklinika Karlova Ves. Opening hours General practitioner : Monday, Wednesday 8:00-14:30 (lunch 11:30-12:00) Tuesday, Thursday 8:00-14:30 (lunch 11:30-12:00); on-call 14:30-17:00 Friday 8:00-13:30, (lunch 11:30-12:00) Gynecology : Monday, Wednesday 8:00-18:00 […]

Mlynská dolina Polyclinic

Poliklinika Mlynská dolina

Description Medical examinations for a residence permit for foreigners The authorities in Slovakia require confirmation that a foreigner does not suffer from a disease that poses a threat to public health. We carry out medical examinations for the Foreign Police for foreigners to obtain a residence permit in the Slovak Republic. We carry out the […]

EQUITA – Health to communities


CAUTION: The “Health to Communities” project, led by EQUITA, will be finalised on 31.5.2024. The project covered the provision of information on the availability of healthcare in your region. From 1.6.2024 it will only be possible to contact the helpline on the following telephone number: +421 948 339 647 or on the email address, […]

Žilina Self-Governing Region

Žilinský samosprávny kraj

Description Culture Libraries help expatriates from Ukraine by sharing information. Visit one of our libraries: Krajská knižnica v Žiline Kysucká knižnica v Čadci Turčianska knižnica v Martine Oravská knižnica Antona Habovštiaka, Dolný Kubín Liptovská knižnica GFB, Liptovský Mikuláš Social care We provide social services, free counselling and accommodation in our social services homes and school […]

Travel Health Clinic

Travel Health Clinic

Description If the authorities in Slovakia require a confirmation that you do not suffer from a disease that threatens public health (infections, foreign diseases, new highly dangerous diseases and other communicable diseases) from you, visit our clinic. Our specialized doctors will explain all procedures and perform necessary medical examinations. Based on the examinations, we will […]

Platform for families with children with disabilities

Platforma rodín

Description InkluLINKA Telephone line and e-mail for parents of children with disabilities. We offer the help of our lay counsellors in the form of listening, giving advice and solving specific life situations. (Slovak, Ukrainian, English) You can reach us on weekdays from 9:00 to 12:00. +421 911 387 733 (Slovak, Ukrainian) +421 948 991 […]

Slovak Humanitarian Council – Blue Dot Nitra

Description Blue Dot – Space for children and families The Slovak Humanitarian Council in cooperation with UNHCR and UNICEF created the Blue Dot Safe Space – Protection and Support Centres for Refugees. In Blue Dot, you can get the necessary information, support and referrals for health care, education, psychosocial support and more – all in […]

Slovak Red Cross

Counselling, material aid, accommodation, health, first aid courses.

Freedom of choice

Anonymous, free and safe counselling on sexual and reproductive health.