Accommodation in Slovakia. Contribution for accommodating persons with temporary protection status.

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Temporary and permanent accommodation

Offers of temporary and permanent accommodation will be provided to you by the staff at help centres, in non-governmental organizations, at any municipal office or at specialized webpages with accommodation offers.

You can find accommodation offers online at:

Contribution for accommodating persons who have been granted the status of temporary protection

The owners of apartments and houses who provide accommodation to persons who have been granted the status of temporary protection in Slovakia can apply for a contribution for accommodating a foreigner from the state.

As a person who has been granted the status of temporary protection in Slovakia, you may be provided with free accommodation if the provider of your accommodation applies for this contribution and meets the conditions specified by the state.

The state will send the contribution for accommodation directly to accommodation providers.

You will be provided with accommodation for free and the service provider may not require any further fees from you, such as fees for heating or electricity, water and gas consumption. Only additional services such as internet and television may be charged.

1 July 2024

Owners of apartments, houses, and collective accommodation sites continue to be eligible for subsidies under the new system, except for commercial owners of accommodation (such as hotels, hostels, etc.). 

The subsidy will be provided to accommodation owners who provide free of charge accommodation to Temporary Protection holders:  

  1. For the initial 120 days from obtaining Temporary Protection for the first time in Slovakia, and 
  2. Longer than 120 days, only if the Temporary Protection holder is considered a vulnerable person


According to the new system, a vulnerable person is:  

  • A member of a household receiving material need assistance (“pomoc v hmotnej núdzi”) from the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (“Úrad práce”),  
  • A person with a severe disability receiving disability allowance (“dotácia na podporu humanitárnej pomoci osobe so závažným zdravotným postihnutím”) from the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, 
  • A person 65 years of age or older,  
  • One of the parents or a caregiver (based on a court decision) taking care of a child under 5 years of age,  
  • Their child under 5 years of age. 

How to apply for a contribution for accommodation

According to the new rules, the accommodation owner (or in some cases the accommodation administrator) should: 

  • Submit the accommodation contract to the municipal office (the document “Vzor zmluvy o poskytnutí ubytovania odídencovi” can be found at the bottom of the Ministry of Interior website). 
  • Submit a report (“výkaz”) within 5 working days after the end of the month to the municipal office (the documents “Vzor výkazu oprávnenej FO [fyzickej osoby] o výške príspevku za ubytovanie odídenca” and “Vzor výkazu oprávnenej PO [právnickej osoby] o výške príspevku za ubytovanie odídenca” can be found at the bottom of the Ministry of Interior website). 

Contribution amount

 The amount of the contribution is determined by a Government regulation and currently is: 

  • EUR 5.00 per night per person, for owners of private apartments and houses (natural persons), in the maximum monthly amount of: 

390€ for a 1-room apartment,  

540€ for a 2-room apartment, 

720€ for a 3-room apartment, 

900€ for a 4 (and more)-room apartment. 

  • EUR 6.00 per night per person, for owners of collective accommodation sites (legal entities, municipalities, self-governing regions) 

Duties of Temporary Protection holders (odídenec) in relation to the accommodation subsidies

According to the new rules, a Temporary Protection holder should: 

  • Notify in person the municipal office (“mestský úrad”) (or “miestny úrad” or “obecný úrad”, depending on where you live), within 3 working days from the start of the provision of accommodationabout the accommodation being provided by the accommodation owner (the document “Vzor oznámenia odídenca o poskytovaní ubytovania oprávnenou osobou” can be found at the bottom of the Ministry of Interior website). 
  • At the same time, during the first notification to the municipal office, prove the vulnerability in case of a vulnerable person (more information on how to prove the vulnerability can be found below). 
  • Twice a month during the provision of accommodation, notify the municipal office in person about the accommodation being provided by the accommodation owner (there must be at least 14 days between the notifications) (the document “Vzor oznámenia odídenca o poskytovaní ubytovania oprávnenou osobou” can be found at the bottom of the Ministry of Interior website). 
  • Immediately notify the municipal office and the accommodation owner of changes that affect whether the person is considered vulnerable. 

 According to the new rules, a vulnerable Temporary Protection holder should prove their vulnerability to the accommodation owner and to the municipal office, through: 

  • Certificate of receiving material need assistance (“pomoc v hmotnej núdzi”) from the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (“Úrad práce”); or 
  • Certificate of receiving disability allowance (“dotácia na podporu humanitárnej pomoci osobe so závažným zdravotným postihnutím”) from the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family; or 
  • Identity document (or the “Dočasné útočisko”/ “Odídenec” document) with date of birth, in case of a person 65 years of age or older; or 
  • Declaration (“čestné vyhlásenie”) of the parent taking care of a child under 5 years of age (the document “Vzor čestného vyhlásenia odídenca k zmluve o poskytnutí ubytovania” can be found at the bottom of the Ministry of Interior website), or a court decision in case of a person taking care of a child under 5 years of age based on a court decision. 

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